ACTORS/TECHNICIANS NEEDED (“365 Days/365 Plays” & “Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead”)

Please feel free to cross-post!

ACTORS/TECHNICIANS NEEDED for both “365 Days/365 Plays” & “Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead”

365 Days/365 Plays (week 46):

We are still in need of 2 men, ages 18-50 (including roles “George Plimpton” and “John Ritter”), and 1-2 women ages 18 on up. One woman should be able to do a ballerina split (if possible).

Performance: 9/28 at 7pm & 9pm at the New Deal Cafe, Greenbelt, MD.

Rehearsals in either Greenbelt or Bowie at private residences starting either just before or just after Labor Day, depending on cast schedules.

See plays from 9/24 through 9/30, inclusive, plus 3 constants (front of script book) for reference.

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead:

Needed: “Hamlet” (age no more than late 20s, please)

Also needed: lighting designer/board op, assistant stage manager, props master/mistress, costume designer/wardrobe.

Rehearsals already in progress. Performances are last three weekends in October (8 in all, no first Sunday matinée) at St. James Episcopal Church in Historic Old Bowie, MD.

Both events are nonpaid volunteer community theatre productions. Company membership ($12/year) required.

If you are available, or know someone who is, please contact Artistic Director Betsy Marks Delaney at 301-922-1865, or send email to info at o2b2 dot oh-ar-gee ASAP.


Betsy Marks Delaney
Artistic Director
OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Co.

Ben Jonson’s Volpone Opens THIS Sunday!!!

Hi, Fans and Friends of O2B2!

We’ve been so busy getting ready for our opening night, we forgot to post about it here!

In a stunning show of marketing savvy, we changed the name at the last possible minute to “Ben Jonson’s Volpone” – Works like magic – of 500 shows, we’re listed in the FIRST PAGE on TheatreMania’s ticket site! Our details are here:


Sunday, July 22 @ 5:00pm
Wednesday, July 25 @ 9:00pm
Saturday, July 28 @ 3:20pm
Sunday, July 29 @ 2:00pm

All tickets $15 – available online here: or by calling 866-811-4111.

We’re in the press, too! We’ve been mentioned on radio, at (, in Washington’s EXPRESS ( and in several radio spots as well.

The show has really come together! Greg and Katie are fabulous as is the rest of our cast.

Besides, our own Rob Perkins, Jonathen Ezra, Thierry Barston, Steven H. Wilson, Steve Kramer, Lise Mendel and their DD2 are ALL involved in the production.

Don’t miss your opportunity to see this show!

Coming soon:

Auditions for 365 Days/365 Plays, by Suzan-Lori Parks (August 12-13, St. James Episcopal Church, Historic Old Bowie, MD); Performance 9/28 or 9/29 at a location TBA SOON!

Performances: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead, by Tom Stoppard (October 11-28, St. James Episcopal Church, Historic Old Bowie, MD)

See you soon!!!

VOLPONE Opens THIS Sunday!!!

Hi, Fans and Friends of O2B2!

We’ve been so busy getting ready for our opening night, we forgot to post about it here!

In a stunning show of marketing savvy, we changed the name at the last possible minute to “Ben Jonson’s Volpone” – Works like magic – of 500 shows, we’re listed in the FIRST PAGE on TheatreMania’s ticket site! Our details are here:


Sunday, July 22 @ 5:00pm
Wednesday, July 25 @ 9:00pm
Saturday, July 28 @ 3:20pm
Sunday, July 29 @ 2:00pm

All tickets $15 – available online here: or by calling 866-811-4111.

We’re in the press, too! We’ve been mentioned on radio, at (, in Washington’s EXPRESS ( and in several radio spots as well.

The show has really come together! Greg and Katie are fabulous as is the rest of our cast.

Besides, our own Rob Perkins, Jonathen Ezra, Thierry Barston, Steven H. Wilson, Steve Kramer, Lise Mendel and Dorothy Kramer are ALL involved in the production.

Don’t miss your opportunity to see the show!

Coming soon:

Auditions for 365 Days/365 Plays, by Suzan-Lori Parks (August 12-13, St. James Episcopal Church, Historic Old Bowie, MD); Performance 9/28 or 9/29 at a location TBA SOON!

Performances: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead, by Tom Stoppard (October 11-28, St. James Episcopal Church, Historic Old Bowie, MD)

See you soon!!!

Additional Audition Date Added for O2B2’s Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, 7/17 at 7pm

OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company Announces additional AUDITION Date FOR Tom Stoppard’s “ROSENCRANTZ & GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD”

OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company (O2B2) will hold auditions for “R&G” on Tuesday, July 17 from 7-10pm at the Glenn Dale Fire House, 11900 Glenn Dale Blvd., Glenn Dale, MD 20769. Directions may be found here:

For questions regarding auditions, please call 301.922.1865 or send email to .

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script and from HAMLET. Be prepared to move – this is a very physical play! Looking specifically for “Hamlet” but all roles remain open.


5 men
2 women
4 flexible (either male or female)

All ethnicities encouraged to audition. This is a non-paid community theatre production.

R&G is tentatively scheduled to be performed from October 11 – 28 on Fridays & Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 3pm. There will be no matinée on the first weekend. Performance location (to be confirmed, subject to change): St. James Episcopal Church, Bowie, MD.

Also seeking: Property Master & House Manager/Box Office Assistants.

OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company was formed in 2004 as a Bowie-based company dedicated to the art of performing theatre about theatre. For more detailed information, please visit our web site at or call 301.922.1865.


Betsy Marks Delaney, Artistic Director
OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company
Voice: 301.922.1865
Fax: 413.751.7320



Reminder: AUDITIONS for “Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead” today (7/2) from 7-10pm


OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company Announces AUDITIONS FOR Tom Stoppard’s “ROSENCRANTZ & GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD”

OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company (O2B2) will hold auditions for “R&G”on Monday, July 2 from 7-10pm. Auditions will take place at a private residence in Bowie, MD. For directions or questions regarding auditions, please call 301.922.1865 or send email to .

If necessary, an additional audition date may be scheduled for July 17, 7-10pm, location TBA. For information about this audition date, please send email to the address above and we will include your address in the list of people to be notified.

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Be prepared to move – this is a very physical play!


5 men
2 women
4 flexible (either male or female)

All ethnicities encouraged to audition. This is a non-paid community theatre production.

R&G is scheduled to be performed from October 11 – 28 on Fridays & Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 3pm. There will be no matinée on the first weekend. Performance location (to be confirmed, subject to change): St. James Episcopal Church, Bowie, MD.

Also seeking: Property Master & House Manager/Box Office Assistants.

OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company was formed in 2004 as a Bowie-based company dedicated to the art of performing “theatre about theatre”. For more detailed information, please visit our web site at or call 301.922.1865.


Betsy Marks Delaney, Artistic Director
OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company
Voice: 301.922.1865
Fax: 413.751.7320



Press Release – AUDITIONS for “Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead”


OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company Announces AUDITIONS FOR Tom Stoppard’s

OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company (O2B2) will hold auditions for “R&G”
on Sunday, July 1 from 1-4pm and Monday, July 2 from 7-10pm. For
location information or questions regarding auditions, please call
301.922.1865 or send email to .

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Be prepared to
move – this is a very physical play!


5 men
2 women
4 flexible (either male or female)

All ethnicities encouraged to audition. This is a non-paid production.

This community theatre production is scheduled to be performed from
October 11 – 28 on Fridays & Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 3pm. There
will be no matinée on the first weekend.

Also seeking: Assistant Director/Stage Manager, Property Master & House
Manager/Box Office Assistants.

OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company was formed in 2004 as a Bowie-based
company dedicated to the art of performing “theatre about theatre”. For
more detailed information, please visit our web site at or call 301.922.1865.


Betsy Marks Delaney, Artistic Director
OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company
Voice: 301.922.1865
Fax: 413.751.7320

