Hi, all!
Here’s what’s happening (in no particular order)…
1. We have a complete cast. This may sound like a no-brainer, but we had no less than 28 individuals read over the last month for various parts. Our latest addition, Noelle Burk, will be filling the role of “Ariana” for our last performance, and will also be costuming the show. We will still need a wardrobe master/mistress for the actual run of the show, but at least now I’m not directing *and* designing the set & costumes! We have also made a casting swap (ELISE and KRYSTEN), due to scheduling difficulties. With these changes, the cast list is now finalized. Thanks everyone for all the help with casting the show!
2. We are now a legal Nonprofit Maryland Incorporation. You may refer to OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company, Inc. or to O2B2, Inc. as necessary. Many thanks to GS for heading up the processing of the paperwork!
3. After a discussion yesterday evening, we now have on board JP, a trusted friend of mine whose business it is to help organizations file for 501(c)(3) status. He has agreed (volunteered on his own, even!!!), to complete our paperwork so that I may file it with the feds.
4. Our first blocking rehearsal is tomorrow evening, 7:30pm, at Jo Rake’s house. Interested individuals who may wish to kibbitz are welcome to attend – just let me know that you’re planning to come. Directions are available on request. We’ll be meeting at 7:30pm on Monday/Tuesday/Thursday nights until Hell Week begins (September 18), with some exceptions. If you plan to attend a rehearsal, be sure to doublecheck and confirm when and where we’re meeting!
5. Jonathen has agreed to be our Producer. This means she’ll be handling some of the staffing requirements prior to the run of the show. She’s a member of the /King John/ cast, and will only be making the Thursday evening/Sunday afternoon shows as a result. She will also be at as many of our Tuesday rehearsals as she can manage.
6. A flyer for the show should be ready soon. When we’ve finalized content on it, the copy will be available on our site. Please feel free to print and post it anywhere you may think appropriate.
There’s sure to be more, but this is the major stuff.
I am contemplating holding our next production/open Board meeting on July 30th or August 6th. I also need to spend time on the ICG Newsletter, but these seem to be the best dates for me at this point.
I know Gale will likely not attend – she’s been on light bedrest for the last week or so, and will probably have had the baby by then, but how do these dates look for the rest of you? I know the weekend of the 6th is Pennsic Land Grab, but I was concerned that the 30th might be too soon. Please let me know when you can.
In addition to discussing our proposed By-Laws, we also need to discuss future projects. I’d like to get on the radar of the potential venues we’ll be using as early as possible, and to begin planning for auditions (if necessary). We’re also starting to build a wish-list of shows to produce, and that’s important as well.
If you, or anyone you know, would like to become our primary dramaturg/head of our project selection committee (informal title – not actually formed yet) or would be interested in participating as a play-reader on the committee, please let me know ASAP! Jonathen and Nell/Rob have both provided suggestions for possible upcoming projects, as has Izolda.
If you have any questions, input, etc., please let me know!
Talk to you soon!