Shameless Plug/Brag – Six Characters in Search of an Author opens TONIGHT!!!!

Hi, all!

We’re opening tonight, for six performances that are going to ROCK.

I’ve got a cast member on the board of the local Community Theatre awards group WATCH (the information for which escapes me at the moment – it stands for something involving Washington Area Theatre…). At our final dress last night, the reviewer she invited who was watching the show gave us an informal rating of 7. (Scale: 1 is the pits, and 10 is Broadway.) We can’t become a candidate for real review until we’ve performed three shows.

You have no idea how high I’m flying right now. This is our first production, the first full-length play I’ve directed, and it has a cast of 16.

Proud does not begin to describe.

If you want to check out pix of the show, go here: Hey, folks!

I completely forgot to mention that Rachel’s photos are online now:

And if you’re available to see the show (in Greenbelt, MD this Friday-Sunday and next Thursday-Saturday, 8pm all except Sunday at 2), get in touch with the Greenbelt Arts Center and make your reservations.

I’m psyched!!!

(Just had to crow… I’ve been down for weeks over stuff, but this is bringing me back, even with a headache!)

Please feel free to forward to anyone you think might be interested in seeing the show.

Talk to you soon!