BUSTED opens this Thursday!

What happens when you mix inspiration, desperation and a deadline?

In spite of divorce, kids, job hunting, internet social media sites and other modern age distractions, Joan struggles for her artistic self-expression. When procrastination threatens her creativity, sanity and script, Joan’s life takes a sudden, comic twist. (65 minutes)

Tickets are now on sale for OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company’s World Premiere production, BUSTED, at the 5th Anniversary Capital Fringe Festival.

We help open the Fringe Festival at the Warehouse on July 8th at 6pm, followed by five more performances:

* July 10th @ 6 pm
* July 14th @ 8 pm
* July 17th @ 3 pm
* July 20th @ 10:15 pm
* July 21st @ 6 pm

The link to purchase tickets: http://bit.ly/blcYQ3

Venue: Warehouse (1019 7th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001)

Show info is here: http://www.outoftheblackbox.org/2010-2011/Busted/index.shtml

On Friday, July 2nd, we were highlighted on page 18 in the Washington Post Weekend section, and we’ll be one of the cover stories in the Gazette this coming Thursday.

Don’t forget – you’ll need your button to Fringe! Just $5, good for discounts through the year. You can purchase yours when you buy your tickets to any Fringe show.

Follow us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/OutOftheBlackBox) or visit us on the web.

Hope to see you there!

Playreading Event at the Greenbelt Arts Center, 12/8 at 7:30pm!


A FREE Play Reading Workshop: BUSTED, a new one-act comedy by Betsy Marks Delaney

“What happens when you mix Script Frenzy, inspiration, desperation and social networking? Comedy, deus ex machina and maybe a script…”

WHEN: Tuesday, December 8th, 7:30pm
WHERE: The Greenbelt Arts Center, 123 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD 20770
WHAT: First read through of the script BUSTED, followed by discussion & snacks!

The script should take just about an hour to read, maybe slightly less. Please RSVP so we have some idea of how many people to expect.

Consider joining us on Facebook for future announcements: (http://www.facebook.com/p.php?i=556302848&k=5ZC6Y3664T2B2JFBRBWVPVT2UQCGVX&oid=1246843221486)

Hint: If we reach 100 fans, we can promote the company with o2b2.facebook.com!

Spread the word!

Hope to see you there!

The press loves Catch-22 – only five performances left!

I’m wedging web work into the cracks while I’m doing billable work, but I wanted to be sure and get this info out to folks before the weekend’s upon us.

Catch-22 continues at the Greenbelt Arts Center through June 20. Check out our press! http://www.outoftheblackbox.org/2008-2009/Catch-22/press.shtml

Remaining performances are Friday and Saturday evenings of June 12, 13, 19 and 20 at 8 pm. A Sunday matinee is scheduled for this Sunday, June 14 at 2pm. Tickets are only $15 each ($12 for Seniors 65+ or students). Reservations may be made through the box office at 301-44-8770 or at the Greenbelt Arts Center at 123 Centerway, located beneath the Co-op supermarket.

The Devil's Christmas Carol logoAnd while I’m at it, don’t forget that Fringe tickets go on sale June 22nd at http://www.capitalfringe.org/!

The Devil’s Christmas Carol will be at The Mountain at Mt. Vernon Place United Methodist Church on Saturday July 11 @ 5pm, Sunday July 12 @ 8pm, Sunday July 19 @ 3:45pm & Saturday July 25 @ 10pm. All Fringe tickets are $15.

You can vote for your favorite show, too – watch our space for when and how to vote!

The Devil’s Christmas Carol is a part of the Capital Fringe Festival, July 9-29, 2009.

Catch-22 Photos now up!!!

Click the thumbnails to view full-size images:

Show opens THIS FRIDAY! Performances are Friday/Saturday @ 8pm, Sunday (6/14 only) at 2pm.

For more information, visit our site at www.OutOftheBlackBox.org or www.GreenbeltArtsCenter.org.

Hope to see you there!

Download Catch-22 flyer and postcards now!

Hi, all!

We’re speeding toward opening night for Catch-22 and I’ve just added flyers and postcards to the pages!

Please download them and post or distribute as you wish!

The show opens June 5 and runs till June 20 at the Greenbelt Arts Center, Greenbelt MD. There will be one matinee (June 14th) at 2pm. All other performances are at 8pm Friday and Saturday evenings.

For more information: http://outoftheblackbox.org/2008-2009/Catch-22/index.shtml

Hope to see you there!

O2B2 sponsors a basic theatrical makeup workshop

OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company (O2B2) will hold a workshop on basic theatrical makeup techniques on Saturday, February 23, 2008 from 2 to 4 PM at Goodloe Memorial Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 1540C Pointer Ridge Place, Bowie, MD. Cost is $15. Due to space limitations, reservations are necessary and should be made by calling 301-262-5201 or through O2B2’s website – www.outoftheblackbox.org by February 21.

Award winning make up artist Sheila Hyman will discuss and demonstrate basic stage makeup, corrective makeup techniques, aging and looking younger, and creating and implementing your own makeup designs. She will also discuss the “must haves” of a good makeup kit, reference books and stores, and period makeup.

Participants are encouraged to bring their makeup kits for examination and use, towel or smock to protect clothing, hair barrettes or bands, facial cleansers and extra contact lens solution (lens wearers), makeup mirrors, and a digital camera to document designs.

Sheila Hyman has been creating makeup and hair designs for theatre groups for close to two decades. She received a Washington Area Theatre Community Honors (WATCH) award for Seussical! (Port Tobacco Players) and The Rocky Horror Show (Elden Street Players) and received WATCH nominations for A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Port Tobacco Players), The Mikado (Tantallon Community Players) and All My Sons (Port Tobacco Players). She won an ACT award for Ruthless! The Musical (Dominion Stage).

Directions to Goodloe Memorial Unitarian Universalist Congregation can be found on O2B2’s website or at www.bowieuu.org.

Tonight’s the night!!! OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Co. performs Week 46 of 365 Days/365 Plays

Did I mention I’m acting in two of these? See me (in a rare onstage performace, with lines, even), plus Jonathen Ezra and five other excellent actors at 7 and 9 tonight!

One Night Only: Two performances to be presented this evening
Friday Sept. 28 at 7 pm and again at 9 pm

365 Days/365 Plays at New Deal Café in Greenbelt, MD – FREE!

OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company
presents this week’s Metro DC area performances of the
365 Days/365 Plays International Festival

Week 46 of the cycle (Sept. 24 – 30) includes
Play (Condemned Version), Again Perfect), Reel, A Play for George Plimpton and John Ritter), Selling Out, Splitsville, The Worst, The 1st Constant (Remember Who You Are) and Goodbye New York

365 Days/365 Plays
By Suzan-Lori Parks
Produced by Bonnie Metzger
Directed by Betsy Marks Delaney & Penny Martin

Running time: Approximately 35 minutes total for all 9 scripts.

Caution: Some plays contain adult language and themes not suitable for children.

Reservations are not necessary but are definitely appreciated.

The New Deal Café is located in the heart of Old Greenbelt, at
113 Centerway, Roosevelt Center, Greenbelt, MD 20770

Please join the cast after the 9pm performance and enjoy the desserts and delectables the Café has to offer!

For more information about the 365 Days/365 Plays cycle, please visit:

www.studiotheatre.org/365 or www.OutOftheBlackBox.org