BUSTED opens this Thursday!

What happens when you mix inspiration, desperation and a deadline?

In spite of divorce, kids, job hunting, internet social media sites and other modern age distractions, Joan struggles for her artistic self-expression. When procrastination threatens her creativity, sanity and script, Joan’s life takes a sudden, comic twist. (65 minutes)

Tickets are now on sale for OutOftheBlackBox Theatre Company’s World Premiere production, BUSTED, at the 5th Anniversary Capital Fringe Festival.

We help open the Fringe Festival at the Warehouse on July 8th at 6pm, followed by five more performances:

* July 10th @ 6 pm
* July 14th @ 8 pm
* July 17th @ 3 pm
* July 20th @ 10:15 pm
* July 21st @ 6 pm

The link to purchase tickets: http://bit.ly/blcYQ3

Venue: Warehouse (1019 7th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001)

Show info is here: http://www.outoftheblackbox.org/2010-2011/Busted/index.shtml

On Friday, July 2nd, we were highlighted on page 18 in the Washington Post Weekend section, and we’ll be one of the cover stories in the Gazette this coming Thursday.

Don’t forget – you’ll need your button to Fringe! Just $5, good for discounts through the year. You can purchase yours when you buy your tickets to any Fringe show.

Follow us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/OutOftheBlackBox) or visit us on the web.

Hope to see you there!

Tickets NOW on sale online for BUSTED (and everything else Fringe)…

Hi, all!

Just a quick note: Tickets are NOW on sale for the 5th Anniversary Capital Fringe Festival, July 8-25, 2010.

Tickets for BUSTED are here: http://shows.capfringe.org/shows/491-OutoftheBlackBox-Theatre-Co-Inc-Busted.html

We didn’t make it to the preview but we’ve gotten an invite to do the 4th of July preview instead. Not ideal, but we’re working on seeing if it will work out somehow.

More soon!!!

See you then, we hope….

It’s official!!!

OutOftheBlackBox presents a new play, BUSTED, by Betsy Marks Delaney, as part of the 2010 Capital Fringe Festival.

(Holy cow!)

Staged Reading of the script takes place at 8pm, Friday, March 5 at the Greenbelt Arts Center.

Auditions now scheduled for April 18 & 19 at the Greenbelt Arts Center.

And away we go!!!

http://www.OutOftheBlackBox.org/ & http://www.capfringe.org/, not to mention: http://www.facebook.com/pages/OutOftheBlackBox-Theatre-Company/30244454289?ref=nf